diumenge, 6 d’abril del 2014

Camamilla vs Silene: Silene guanya. / Chamomile vs Silene: Silene wins.

En una petita jardinera on aquesta tardor va aparèixer de manera espontània camamilla i silene he decidit observar quina de les dues espècies podia dominar. A inicis de primavera la batalla s'ha acabat. La silene, de creixement molt més ràpid, ha acaparat tot el sol, ha florit i ha fet llavor. La camamilla ha seguit petita, sense desenvolupar-se.

Però ara que la silene ha completat el seu cicle i ha mort, la camamilla té una segona oportunitat.

Last autumn chamomile and silene plants emerged in a small plant box and I decided to observe which of them could dominate. At the beginning of spring the battle is over. Silene, with a much faster growth, has thrived and prevented chamomile from receiving light, has flowered and developed seed. Chamomile has stayed small, with no growth.

But now silene has completed its cycle and has died...and chamomile has a second opportunity

Troncs de silene morts, amb llavors. La camamilla, petita, és a sota, ara no privada del sol.
Dead silene plant, with seed. Chamomile, small, is beneath it, and now it has access to light.

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